RADSpa™ software is used for diagnosis of medical images from modalities: such as SPECT, PET, CT, CR,MRI, etc. This product provides tools to support image diagnosis and analysis on Apple iOS IPAD handheld device. This device supports reporting, thereby allowing the reports to be saved in RADSpa™ server. RADSpa™ provides wireless and portable access to medical images and reports.
With RADSpa™ a radiologist on a touch of a button will be able to:
- Access the fully integrated RIS and PACS platform.
- Connect to RADSpa™ server over mobile
- Download a Case
- Conduct a Study on mobile with support of Dicom Imaging
- Log findings
- Sync with RADSpa™ server and be updated
- Voice dictation
Pre-requisites for RADSpa™ is as below
- User must have a login credentials in RADSpa™.
- User must be part of Radiology Group.
Device Requirements:
- Operating system supported– iOS 7.0
- Memory– 8/16/32/64 GB
- Connectivity– 3G or wifi
Platform– iPad version (Runs on any version of iPad running on the above specified iOS versions, but preferably iPad2 or later. These versions of iPad is recommended for better performance)